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Membership Subscriptions
Club Shop/Membership 2 of 3

2. Membership Subscriptions

Annual membership subs are due to be paid by the end of September 2024 for the 2024/25 season. These can be paid direct to your Team Coach using the club card machine, or via bank transfer. Details of the subscription amounts and club bank details are listed below.

2024/25 Annual Subscription Fees:
Tots - £75
Micros (P1 to P3) - £100
Minis (P4 to P7) - £110
Youths (U13 to U18) - £110
Mammoths - £100
Seniors - £150
Vixens - £100
Social Members - £30
Student/Apprentice Members - £90
Family Discount - £10 deduction for second family members, or a 3-person family membership is £250
Part-season - there will continue to be a part-season payment for those joining late in the season - to be discussed with the Team Coach.

Subs can be paid via bank transfer to the club account:
Account Name: Mackie FPRFC
Sort Code: 83-27-10
Account Number: 00221246
Payment Reference: Child/Member's name, followed by team (e.g. David Smith U18s)

Mackie RFC is committed to making sure money is not a barrier to playing rugby. Please contact your Team Coach or anyone on our Executive Committee if you need to chat in confidence about a lower subscription at this time. You can find their contact details on the Contacts page.

Annual player registration and membership fees are required to provide player insurance cover as well as facilities for training and games. Our membership fees are a primary source of income for the club and are a prerequisite for playing.

If subs are not received by the club by 7 October and no alternative arrangement has been agreed by the Club, we will have to assume those players are no longer playing, and in order to comply with out data protection responsibilities, any player without 2024/25 subscriptions paid by 7 October will be removed from our database and will be unable to take part in club training or matches until payment has been made in full.