100 Club 1 of 2

1. About the 100 Club

The 100 Club is an important fund raiser for MAFPRFC ensuring regular income into the club. New members to the 100 Club are always welcome - you can download the membership application form at the foot of this page. A £5 Standing Order is setup on your bank account which automatically enters you into the monthly draw.

The prizes for the monthly draw are:

  • 1 x Winners Prize of £50
  • 2 x Runners-Up Prizes of £25

The draw will be made at once a month at a Senior Club event and the results will be published on this page of the website and the cheques are sent directly to the registered address of the winners ( so make sure they are always aware of your current address! )

The 100 Club administrator is:

  • Alan Venters

Go on!... do you feel lucky?