Warm up activity with dustythefitnesspainmaster focsed on the "roll away and get into play" from the tackle.
After that shuttle runs with chasing defensive tackle. Christmas pies evident at this point but by the end they were warming into it.
Gareththedefencecoach then had them doing an activity to build their confidence the tackle with same boot, same shoulder. After some feedback from the coaches the squad started to track the ball carrier, go forwards and get the correct boot and shoulder for either the right or left side of the famous Mackie Wall.
Andywackysocks2 then added some small redhot chillies to the activity to spiced things up and get the units of 3 or 4 to realign after each phase of play in defence, the famous Mackie wall or in attack to go forwards, stay connected and move the rugby ball into space.
The mission should the players choose to accept it, is to come up with a word we can all use to help them remember when to this in training and games.
The squad were split into bibs and non bibs for a full contact game where they were expected to put into practice what they had learnt about the Mackie Wall in defence and "insert their word here"in attack.
We all finished off with a game of rugby rounders but yet again with a few extra chillies from Andywackysocks2 to spice things up at the 1st base they had a ruck with toes, heels, hands and head before moving onto the 2nd base with a tackle in the green zone before moving onto 3rd base with a roll away and get back into play before then running back to the home dugout.
Th session was then completed with a take a knee squad talk about the session and what is looming in the near future, the tournament season, and what FUNtastic opportunity they all could have showing themselves, their teammates, theopposition teams, the coaches and most importantly their families just how good they all are.
Remember to ask your rugby brains what is the one thing you need to stop doing and the one thing you need to start doing to improve your rugby skills.
RealignTASTIC Peeps